It's been a while...


Bonjour, it’s been a while.

Around 14 months or so since my last journal entry here, by the looks of it. A lot has happened since then. So where to begin?

When a lot has transpired in such a short space of time and it feels overwhelming to write down, I know it’s best to start from where I am, rather than try to make sense and order of all that has been. This is my third attempt at writing this catch up post, the first two did begin with a summarisation of sorts, but I know it’s not possible to sum up events when the aftermath is still in effect, reverberating and spinning, creating new events, piling on top of each other. Have you felt this too?

The world as we have known it is wobbling, and it’s not easy to keep your feet on the ground, especially for those of us who feel a lot: There is currently a lot to feel. I’ve learnt the best thing to do is be still. To rest. To do your absolute best to not do much at all.  That’s why, in hindsight, I see that posting and updating what I’ve been up to hasn’t happened. Something had to give for me to make room to rest, to breathe, and it was letting go of these particular ‘doing’ things. It also helped me to make some space to adjust my focus on supporting our family of 3 through the various stages of staying-at-home, keeping healthy, and maintaining a sense of joy.  

I have been quietly creating, continuing to divide my working hours between photoshoots for Happinez, mentoring long-time clients, writing, shooting commissions, sharing ideas and ways of sparking joy and connection on patreon, and supporting women on their creative journeys. So, I’d like to try to catch up as best I can now, sharing some of what I’ve been working on, let’s see how I go.

It’s still such a surreal time for most of us, and there is so much grief. I hope as you read this, you are able to take a moment to breathe and rest in this stillness, releasing the resistance to the unknown that is still upon us.

Pia xx

PS I just discovered you can create spotify music playlists, so I made one called Vivent Les Artistes if you’d like to listen while you create.